Website creator
LNS Europe
Address of the registered office: Route de Frinvillier 2534 Orvin Suisse
Phone: +41 32 358 02 00
Trade and Companies Register number: CH-073-3006573-3
Amount of share capital: 300’000 CHF
E-mail :
Director of publication: Laurent Pham,
Website host
The website is hosted by Infomaniak Network SA. Registered office in Geneva, registered under number CHE-103.167.648
Design and production:
Contact details: VNV SA, allée des Défricheurs 4, +41 32 931 31 01,
Caution and liability
LNS-Europe endeavours to ensure that this website functions properly and is secure, and that the information it contains is accurate and up to date.
Intellectual property rights
The general structure of the website, its contents, the forms – hereinafter together referred to as “the elements” – are subject to French and international legislation relating to all intellectual property rights (copyright, trademarks, patents, etc.). The banners, corporate names and graphic charters specific to LNS-Europe as well as the content (in general, all elements of the website) posted on the lns– website, or designed for operations with other partners, even if posted online at their initiative, may not be reproduced, distributed, resold, retransmitted or made available to third parties on a website or on any other type of medium or by any process whatsoever without the prior and express authorisation of LNS-Europe and, where applicable, of other persons who may hold the copyright. These authorisations may be granted in the context of partnerships with lns–, under the conditions determined by LNS-Europe. In all cases, LNS-Europe retains all intellectual property rights relating to all the elements indicated in this article. It reserves the right to prohibit third parties from using these elements, at any time, without prior notice and without having to justify its decision. In this case, it will inform the party in question, who will have 8 working days to put an end to these practices. Failure to comply with the obligations set out in this article shall constitute an infringement which may give rise to civil and criminal liability on the part of the infringer.
Prohibition of mirroring
The website may not be put online by a third party under another URL without the express prior consent of LNS-Europe.
LNS-Europe authorises any website to create a link to the address lns– Any such link must comply with the legal and regulatory provisions in force. LNS-Europe reserves the right, at any time, without notice and without having to justify its decision, to prohibit these links. In this case, LNS-Europe will inform the party in question, who will have 2 working days to terminate the link. LNS-Europe cannot be held responsible for the content of other websites linked to this website.
Modification of these general conditions of use
LNS-Europe reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the present conditions of use in order to adapt them to changes in the website and/or its operation.
Integrity of the contract
Should one or more of the clauses of these general terms and conditions of use be declared null and void in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision rendered by a competent court, the other clauses of the general terms and conditions would retain their binding force within the scope of any such decision.
Laws and jurisdiction of courts
The present general terms and conditions of use and legal notice as well as the lns– website are governed by the provisions of French law and European regulations. If an amicable solution cannot be found within a reasonable period of time, any disputes that may arise from the use of the lns– website, or from the interpretation and application of the general conditions of use, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts. With the exception of cases where an agreement expressly derogates therefrom, disputes between persons who are traders shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court and disputes in which one or more persons are not traders shall be governed by the rules of jurisdiction of the French Code of Civil Procedure.